Valentina Lo Surdo, «The success? It’s a faith question», An interview with Cristian Carrara, Suonare News, December 2017
He is one of the most important composer of his generation . His music can reach the heart of the people thanks to the bravery of the simplicity. Cristian Carrara tell us his idea of art: «Look for the beauty that go to everyone». He suggest a thought to the young...
Giuseppe Rossi, Faust in the sky, «Musica», October 2017
In terms of the language, Carrara’s music could be signed up in the neoromantic trend of which composers that, refusing the experimentalisms of twentieth’s century vanguards, aim for recovery an immediate communicativeness trough attitudes of traditional writing, from...
Alessandro Beltrami. Venezia. Digital art reveals the mistery and Antonio Vivaldi’s visions, «», 29th of May, 2017
And the music is, still more of the technology, the true added artistic value of the operation. It isn’t obvious: because Cristian Carrara selected twenty fragments from various Vivaldi’s operas of every genres – all in benchmark editions, from Fabio Biondi to...
Alberto Laggia, How much is the “red priest” pop, «Famiglia Cristiana», 22th of May, 2017
[..] This full immersion in the life and in the art of Vivaldi is divided in three steps, as many are the rooms of the exhibition (but the term “exhibition” is perhaps an inappropriate term, by lighting only the visual aspect of the path). Inside them it is developed,...
Gian Mario Benzing, Vivaldi to see, «la Lettura – Corriere della Sera», April the 2th, 2017
[…] At the Museo Diocesano in Venezia, from May the 13th, is going to be inaugured Viva Vivaldi, a new «artistic-spectacular format», that conducts the viewer in a total immersion in the music of baroque genius: sounds, pictures, even scents. […] Viva Vivaldi is ad...
Paola Pini, GON, CARRARA, PODDA, TARALLI Trieste – Ridotto del Verdi – Sala Victor de Sabata – Progetti contemporanei, «Opera Click»
With Eveline-Hommage to Joyce and to Trieste by Cristian Carrara, it passes to new atmospheres, weakened, with a different charm, drawn by a text nearest to us in a chronological sense: the short novel from Dubliners. Here we have other suggestions from a writer so...
Nicola Sbisà, A Cinderella that could like it to the adults too. At Petruzzelli the fairy tale reread by Carrara and Pani, «Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno», October 1st, 2016
[…] The Cristian Carrara’s music is inspired, with fruitful creative vision, to this theatrical narration: soothing music, simple and sincerely aimed to an instinctive involvement of the young audience (“between Puccini and Bernstein” says the composer himself, but...
Sergio Zolli, The Ljubljana’s Slkovenska Filharmonjia closes Mittelfest 2016, «Instart», July 26th , 2016
Then, Cristian Carrara from Pordenone presents his The waste land, for viola and orchestra, Danusha Wakiewica soloist, a reflection on today human condition tied to the spiritual dryness in present day society based on the poem written by T. S. Eliot. The composition...
Massimo Marino, Two shows in Ravenna: Via Crucis for Slot Machine and the fanta insane theater of Operazione Atarax, «Il corriere di Bologna», 17 febbraio 2016
“We have already seen Slot machine in Spoleto during September 2014 in the form of experimental opera, with the beautiful music of Cristian Carrara. […] The music remains the one incisive, slipping, fluid of Cristian Carrara, without singers’s arias, in the mysterious...
Daniel Kepl, Christian Carrara’s Machpelah: Dialog for Violin, Cello & Orchestra, «Casa Magazine», January 8th, 2016
The recurrent theme throughout this rich program is dialog, musical and otherwise, explained Maestro Nir Kabaretti, who will conduct the premiere, together with works by Handel (Water Music), Gabrieli (Symphoniae sacrae), and Bartok (Concerto for Orchestra).We have...